Sunday, 29 April 2018

Out Of The Wood exhibition

The Out Of The Wood exhibition was quite fascinating, as I love objects made from wood and stone, and hope to learn to use wood in artwork of my own one day. 

Sarah Smith

Nick Gordon

Sarah Smith

Anne Mathison

Kim McEwen

Fade exhibition Ingrid Budge

I went to see the exhibition FADE by Ingrid Budge at For Arts Sake. I absolutely loved her work. The colours in the artwork, plus the textures and tones make the work very moody and atmospheric. I spent ages looking at her work, feeling captivated by what felt like a story they were trying to tell. 

If I'd had a place to hang up artwork, I definitely would have bought one of these. The work was absolutely stunning.

Open Day

The college had an Open Day, and I volunteered to demonstrate monoprinting. A photographer from the local newspaper took my photo during my monoprinting examples.

Photo copyrighted by The Orcadian/Orkney Media Group


We had a collagraph workshop in class. I was unable to do the carving required that day, so I chose to use a monoprint I had done on mounting board previously, which came out very thick. We coated it, covered it with ink, and ran it through the press. The result was very detailed and beautiful, and I hope to do something like this again soon.


We had a chemigram workshop in the college this year. I am a huge fan of chemigram, and I enjoyed this refresher on how to do it. I hope to do more next semester!
We used butter, vegetable oil, and wax for resists.

These are the three pieces I created:

Friday, 20 April 2018

Beccy May Project Space

BA Fine Art student Beccy May had a small exhibition after a solo Project Space week. 

Monoprints. The above one used talcum powder, something I wish to try soon.

Chemigrams, and metal.

A block of black ice (coloured with acrylic), melting onto and staining a ball.

A Project Space

Orkney College gives BA Fine Art students in year 2 or above chances to take part in a Project Space, where we get a week alongside other classmates to do artwork and set stuff up for a small exhibition. These are photos taken from one such Project Space.

Laura Johnston:

Rachel Wood:

Anna Gardiner:

Alan Crofts:

Beccy May:

MOTI Exhibition Of Land And Sea: Contemporary Interpretations Of Orkney Folklore

Went to the Of Land And Sea: Contemporary Interpretations Of Orkney Folklore exhibition by MOTI, at the Exhibition Room in The Old Library. 


Kerrianne Flett:

Kari Adams:

Frances Scott:

Calum Gillies:

Louise Barrington:

Kristyn Grieve:

Mary Grieve:
The detail of this chair was amazing. I loved that it contained newspaper. It smelled great, and was very comfortable to sit in.

Susan Boyd:

Also Susan Boyd:

I loved the way Susan Boyd invited people to draw heads, bodies and legs, to create unqiue monsters. This was actually almost exactly my original idea for my Art And Social Practice module, surprisingly enough.
I also loved to see the way they hung the artwork.

Alien Alphabet

For Alcon in 2017, I was asked to create an alien alphabet for participants in a mystery game to translate. I created the following symbols for the event.

Children In Need 2008

A video showing me doing my activity at the Children In Need event I organised in 2008 where we raised over £350.
I drew portraits, while other classmates drew chibi portraits, sold postcards and bookmarks, did facepainting, and held a raffle table.

Yarn Bombing Assistant

I helped with a Yarn Bombing event at the Thurso Library, decorating bikes and rails, as well as crochet-ing a few objects.

Optician's Assistant

I helped Duncan And Todd's Optician's from Wick set up in the Pop-Up Shop in Thurso. I hung up the glasses and the posters, organising by brand and colour when necessary.