Friday, 11 May 2018

Workshop Ideas

I am very interested in potentially running workshops or creative classes one day. So I've been trying to think of perhaps unusual classes in order to encourage participation and creative thinking.

I was reminded of a creative workshop I attended at an anime convention, Alcon, back in 2015. In this workshop, people would shout out random words to the instructor, who would choose three of them, and we'd all have 5 minutes to draw something encompassing those three words.

One such activity had the words Potato, Flower, and Beard. My result was this Mr Potato Head inspired boy below.

I was very happy with the results of this class, had an amazing time, got to know the people I was sitting with, and learned a lot in thinking outside the box and combining unusual things together. And because of this, I feel like I would love to run a workshop like this one day.

There is also a game called Tee K.O., found in the Jackbox Party Pack 3, that I feel would also be a good inspiration for an usual workshop. In this game, you draw images and give phrases, which you then combine to make the best (usually funniest) tshirt possible. A game/class like this would be interesting. Would I choose a title (either from suggestions, pre-chosen, or from a hat of suggestions), and everyone does their best to make the best tshirt following that example? Would they do so with just a drawing, or would they use paint on an actual tshirt? This could be as co-operative or messy as I wish to make it. 

As simple as these ideas may sound, I very much love the thought of helping people connect to their inner child's sense of fun and creativity, be they a child currently, or an adult that has lost themselves as they've grown older.

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